They exist. They’re basically just plastic pouches, although they have small metal ones as well
They exist. They’re basically just plastic pouches, although they have small metal ones as well
Last time I went looking for info on this I could only find relatively small scale studies, and from a quick search now it looks like nothing’s changed. Seems like something we should have a lot of knowledge about in 2025.
There’s a 2010 and 2016 study finding sperm in precum in the volunteers of 11/27 (41%) and 7/42 (16.7%) respectively. They had otherwise normal counts (except for one in the latter study).
lol, ok buddy. Trump’s not president, so if you’re giving him credit for this you’re delusional. Also, if you don’t think Netanyahu isn’t gonna keep genociding as exactly as he’s been doing for the past year I don’t know what to tell you. Why tf would he change anything? If he’s not back to murdering civilians in 3 months I’ll be astounded.
Good for now, but it’s a ceasefire, not peace. Netanyahu know once the orange failson is in office he can just start up his genocide again with no consequences.
Apparently a regionalism I’ve seen attributed to New England