I’m trying out Obsidian for taking notes, and this made me laugh.
I don’t mean to be all “BuT iT’s cLOseD SoURce” but you should give Logseq or Zettlr a try. They’re similar WYSIWYG markdown editors, but also FOSS. Zettlr also has vim keys.
Plus Obsidian is horrible at editing tables.
Coming here to recommend Joplin, been using it for years and it’s a great note app, markdown + external editing supported, open source, CLI & GUI clients, encrypted… Does everything right!
nano crew where you at
Proudly, first think I install on Termux.
I mean, it’s true.
I’ve been using linux pretty exclusively at home for almost 25 years now. Program. Script. Work in the shell a lot, and the other day I had to use vim and it took me a while to remember the basic commands. I’m a nano guy :\
I also started off using nano. Have you tried Micro? It’s like nano on steroids and with good keybindings
Nano, Pico and Micro? is this editor trying to !compensate for something?
+1 for micro. I install it on every server I administer, and alias it to nano. If you’re a nano user and haven’t tried micro, I highly recommend it. It’s like nano, but built this century, it feels fast and modern.
At some point Nano added Ctrl+S for save. That’s all I needed. Its syntax highlighting is decent too.
If anyone needs the command: :q!
If you want the computer to ask if you’re sure: :q
If you want to save: :wq
will write even if you didn’t change anything;:x
won’t. (similar to:w