Visited a booth at my farmer’s market where the mom working was wearing her baby in a sling on her back. This kid’s neck was as far back as it could go. We mentioned it to the mom, and she just said “yeah, her head’s been bobbing around all morning.”

I don’t know the baby’s age. And I don’t know much about babies. Based on the first time I saw her, she’s at least seven months old. I know that newborns’ necks need to be supported. And I know that having your neck in that position can cause a stroke in adults.

It made my mom so uncomfortable she had to walk away, but the people behind us talked to the woman and said nothing about it. Should this be reported to someone? Or is it totally normal and fine?

    13 days ago

    Seven months?

    The baby was just fine.

    By 3, they can support themselves enough for safety in that kind of setup.

    Not that nothing bad can happen, it’s just not likely.

    For real, even under 3 months, you’ll see some ability to move the head around as it gets closer to that mark.

    Assuming you’re accurate about the baby being at least 7 months, those little buggers wobble around all the time they can. The whole world is vibrant and unfiltered for the most part, so it isn’t too unusual for one to get fixated in one direction either because there’s something interesting, or to take a break from looking around.

    Definitely not anything to worry about.