Hi, I’ve just listened to about 10 aircraft go over my house. It’s not unusual that I have aircraft go over my house. I’ve sometimes even had fighters go over my house. I live in the most secure airspace in the United States (I’m not allowed to fly a $50 drone) and when I use apps to track what type of plane or helicopters are buzzing me, they never show up… they don’t show up on flight radar or adsbexchane even with government filters turned on where they used to intermittently show up. something just happened.
I’d assume it has to be airforce related. Maybe some drill or something along those lines
Many DoD and government missions don’t release flight plans publicly.
Also, if a squadron on air defense alert was scrambled for some reason, that’s not gonna have a flight plan attached to it, because they’re by definition responding to a thing and can’t really define their flight plan as “I’m departing from A, routing through to B to C, and landing at D”.
Their flight plan is “Going out for a pack of smokes, might be back later”
ADS-B can be disabled (not unexected for military aircraft) or made private at the request of governments.
In DC the military helos fly in mode A/C which means they do not broadcast, but will only identify, or “squawk” upon radar interrogation.
What type of aircraft were they? Did you see them?
Last night we’re all jets. Not of the figheter variety.
C5 Galaxy big Jets? Private jet sized Lear Jets? 737 type refueler jets?
You can get apps that show the real time location of planes - might be worth trying that to see if they’ll tell you what the planes are.
Already covered in the OP!
they don’t show up on flight radar or adsbexchane even with government filters turned on