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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I have some nvlinks on the way.

    Sooooo I’ve got a friend that used pcie-oculus and then back to pcie to allow the cards to run outside the case, but that’s not what I do, that’s just the more common approach.

    You can also get pcie extension cables, but they’re pricey.

    I stumbled upon a cubix device by chance which is a huge and really expensive pcie bus extender that does some really fancy fucking switching. But I got that at a ridiculous price and they’re hard to come by.

    If I do it right, I could host 10 cards total (2 in the machine and 8 in the cubix)

    This also means that I’m running 3x 1600w psu’s and I’m most at risk for blowing breakers (adding in a 240V line is next lol)