Yep, and this allows for proper content moderation. Telegram can actually just find and report creeps to authorities
Yep, and this allows for proper content moderation. Telegram can actually just find and report creeps to authorities
I just turn it on in the bios. And on windows, disable fast startup
They are delicious, and super cheap. And turns out there’s even subscriptions for them. We bought 72 a couple days back for 15 euros at a local farm.
Eggs are awesome, they’re making my breakfast and lunch easier and better
Weird isn’t it? We only tend to notice those who are noticeable
More taxes paid are still more taxes paid. Regardless of whether that’s a large or small portion of someone’s income.
More tax revenue is more money for social services.
I know it’s not all perfectly fair, but it’s not all bad.
Not everywhere. Tax evasion is a thing, and some countries have messy laws. But for vat it does, rich people simply tend to buy more, and more expensive stuff
The issue with Apple is that they just leave the issue be, they don’t actually care. And unlike intel and amd, their fans will buy it anyway
Youre always allowed to pay. But they’re not allowed to require it
Fortunately they hit the rich harder than poor. Which means there’s more money for the social programs that keep those who are struggling alive
I don’t like how ai tends to be a lot worse and slower at fact checking and searching than me
It works in a web browser, especially ez if you enable the quick assist
I don’t know where in the Netherlands you are, but kindergarten is free. I happen to live in the Netherlands. You’re going to get costs such as pens and paper for your kid. But there’s no fees.
The Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, Poland. I knew some, others I just Kagi’d
That tax is reduced for important goods in most countries, like with bread
I wish they’d just stop wasting their time on ai
Yes please! I’d rather that platform be banned widely
Well then use the secret chat if you want your chat to be secret from any prying eyes