I will definitely check this out. Sounds really promising from the quick glimpse and most importantly, affordable.
Edit: gesture typing made me type adorable lol.
Encrypted 🤐
I will definitely check this out. Sounds really promising from the quick glimpse and most importantly, affordable.
Edit: gesture typing made me type adorable lol.
Any specific ones to look into?
Not a contributing comment but just wanted to say:
For those that needed to hear that.
Thanks for the advice. It isn’t an end all if I can’t get it to work in this way. Just thought I’d give it a try since I saw there was a helper script for Proxmox. I wasn’t aware of the limitations that may come with this though. I guess either upgrading routers in the future for something for customizable may be a better option.
Both great questions. I did not check the hardware and I definitely should have…as far as passthrough I have not. I really only ran the helper script to install the Proxmox VM and configurations. I’ll have to check the settings when I’m back home to see what exactly it did.
Well currently I have a nest wifi pro router that doesn’t allow a lot of customization. (I used to be a Google fan). And since I had a beelink I figured I would try it. I was also wanting to be able to run a VPN on my router and the nest doesn’t allow clients.
Do you know if this is all windows or specific versions/on specific hardware? That’s such a weird thing to have effecting potentially all windows versions. Very interesting though, thanks for clarifying.
I’ve heard PopOS/Linux Mint are great starters. I personally run ZorinOS which is based on Ubuntu. It’s beautiful, had built in customization, and has a free version (I paid for the pro version because I liked it so much and wanted to support it).
You’ll find occasional headaches in all Linux distros just because it’s not windows so compatibility can require work arounds depending what you wanna run. But it’s worth it. Feels so much faster and in your control which is nice. Also if you screw up the distro you can just boot another distro from the flashdrive you used to install in the first place (keep the ISO handy just in case ;) ).
Could you clarify on this a bit? I’m genuinely curious what the update did to the games as many use windows for the same.
Pardon my ignorance but HTTPS certs can be middle manned? Could you give me a TLDR of how if you got some time?