Especially just murdering you. Lot harder to get a corpse to testify that they didn’t do it. Makes it a LOT easier to say “well, they did it, but they’re dead now, case closed.”
Especially just murdering you. Lot harder to get a corpse to testify that they didn’t do it. Makes it a LOT easier to say “well, they did it, but they’re dead now, case closed.”
It’s theorized this is partially why a lot of indigenous societies in the Americas simply didn’t use wheels in larger contexts. We’ve found perfectly engineered wheels in a lot of archaeological sites here in North and South America, but they’re almost always on toys. The theory is that civilizations like the Aztecs and various Native American and First Nations peoples invented wheels just fine, but since North America particularly lacks any form of native, easily-domesticated draft animal, wheels just didn’t make sense or save anyone significant enough time to really bother with in larger forms like carts or chariots.
Mostly because all of that is a highly-confusing tangle. Food stamps are hilariously limited in most states, same with Medicaid. Section 8/HUD will almost always make sure you wind up living in the most run-down tenement your town has, run by the shittiest landlord, who will almost always be looking for a reason to evict you - and that even assumes you don’t have to wait literal years. The current wait time for Section 8 housing in my city is something like a year and a half.