For a long time we’ve said it’s important to separate semantics and presentation (eg html vs css).
I’ve always wondered why we never followed our own advice when creating new programming languages. Let the IDE present whatever TF you want, and in the background it’s simply building an Abstract Syntax Tree and serializing that to a file in whatever serialization format it prefers.
I’ve dreamed of making my own data-flow language that follows that principle, but I have neither the knowledge of compilers nor the free time to try.
What would the matching mechanism do? Look at your fediverse activity and match people who like the same things as you?
Could be interesting but creepy
He exposed himself as a poser especially as a bash programmer
Iirc banks already don’t typically have a lot of cash on hand, if you’re looking to get a bunch of cash you need to give them warning so they can bring it in special order.
But I admit I’m no expert so I may have been mislead