This is the answer. It’s the intersection of those with strong personal opinions and the power (money) to speak their mind without true repercussions, and the power (money) hungry who are following the strongest zeitgeist in the halls of power.
The zeitgeist exists because the entrenched powerful ones are currently using trans people and migrants as a wedge between different parts of the working class. It used to be homosexuals and communists. Or abortions and hippies. Or slaves. Or indigenous people. Ad nauseum. It’s about keeping the working class divided and maintaining power. This is the latest version. And it’s not just in the US BTW
People like Rowling are new money working class that fell for the con
I think Peanuts is speaking from JKR’s perspective, not justifying it
But I also skimmed bits of both of your comments. It’s ironic really, because I’m equally verbose