Why would they want to “fix” it?
I want Twitter to fail for how it’s turned, but until shown otherwise, bluesky is another closed system. It’s better than Twitter and I hope they prove me wrong.
Why would they want to “fix” it?
I want Twitter to fail for how it’s turned, but until shown otherwise, bluesky is another closed system. It’s better than Twitter and I hope they prove me wrong.
You’re trying to understand the logic behind motivated reasoning. They knew the conclusion they wanted, so they constructed a fig leaf of an argument that 1/3 of people would cheer, 1/3 would defer to the tortured logic by habit of deference to authority, and 1/3 would protest while being alienated from the whole.
If you want to make a change, you have to understand that you’re going to fail a lot and that’s ok. I don’t really like to direct people to reddit, but mostly lurking there really helped me a few years ago before I even stopped drinking. https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/
I had a lot of times where I just wanted to not drink for one day for whatever reason. Then I stopped for a week here or there… then I tried it for a month to see if I could. Later, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t drink on vacation so I’d be more present, and I kept going.