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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • The people who beleive illegal immigrants are the scapegoat for the whole country failing beleive regular brown immigrants are just as much a problem. [verbatim] Not speaking English, dragging their whole families here to mooch, defacing American religious traditions with their own, believing the violence of their birth countries comes from inherent ethnic traits, viewing American etiquette as the only proper etiquette while anything else is barbaric, whatever you want.

    So no, it’s not the best example and probably would get picked apart for your point, but an argument specifying a difference between legal and illegal status is naive at best, disingenuous at worst. Illegals are just step one right now.

  • I don’t upgrade my phone for fun, I upgrade when thirstier software and stuffed storage slow it down to unreasonable rates. Similarly, I’m still on a first gen Xbox One from 2015 and it keeps getting noticeably slower, though mostly from newer games being more demanding rather than storage. As devs are directed to focus on more volume and novelty of content without concern for efficiency because “power is cheap”, this isn’t going away. So over time, yes, more power is more better. It’s not the only improvement, but it’s required.

    As for future innovations? Nintendo being dead? Look at your list, then look at the list of all Nintendo gaming consoles. You’ve listed about 1/3 of what they made since 1990. Not every console gets to be a revolution. Sometimes they’re just an improvement. Gameboy Color added mild color and smaller size to the Gameboy. While the disc system was not initially well received, the GameCube system and cohort of games was peak for many. The Wii U didn’t do anything special that I can remember. The Switch Lite took away Switch features but is loved more as a Gameboy BigBoy. There’s the NES and SNES home consoles that were leaps and bounds more powerful than prior options.

    As for your main point, there’s really no telling what the next innovation will be. Look at the N64. You’re missing the other huge update: 3D modeling. And, to an extent, it had a unique quality of the time with “round” models. Insert joke about Lara Croft ps1 boobs here… Or just a joke about how Nintendo’s joysticks are actually awful with deadzones and drift. Looking at your point for the Switch, I’d say Nintendo didn’t even drive that feature of being hybrid. It couldn’t have happened without the general electronics industry creating sufficient batteries. Actually, similar point for your DS accolade: Nintendo didn’t create the touch screen, they implemented it. The point is innovation is not predictable. It’s often borderline unimaginable because it takes a combination of invention, implementation, and adoption. Maybe they’ll make VR work for the masses. Maybe they’ll figure out convincing pseudo-holograms like the Star Wars chess board. Maybe it’ll be an even smaller console. Maybe it’ll capitalize on mobility and travel. Who knows? I don’t have a crystal ball.

    To call Nintendo dead for one cycle of status quo is short-sighted, in my opinion.

  • I would expect his voterbase to be slightly less radicalized. Sowing the doubt around the legitimacy of the 2020 vota tally gave a very specific item for his fans to stew over during the last 4 years.

    For his actions in office, I expect more damage from the gapped 2nd term because his cohorts have had those last 4 years to stew, as well. I don’t beleive his politicians were nearly as fond of him by 2020, but now they’ve strategized around is 2024 campaign. They didn’t need trump to win, they needed the party to win. He’s just the current face because his momentum is like a steamroller filled with cheeseburgers. 2017 trump left Republicans scrambling to handle his Sasha Baron Cohen style aladeen commands as he played king of the castle. I’m sure they all expect it now and ate happy to let him make wild declarations while they move like roaches in his shadow.

    I’m not worried about 2024 trump nearly as much as 2025 Republicans. Assuming 2020 trump wouldn’t extend past 2024, the party wouldn’t have as much time to regroup.

  • One time on a red eye flight with my eyes closed behind a sleep mask, I swore I was getting that dark blue rainy grainy projection of my surroundings like Daredevil. I could see the seat in front of me, my wall, my window, and the aircraft walls ahead of me visible aboce the seats. There was even the passing of the ground outside the window. That’s where I figured out it was a false image, not some super radiation sense. After toying with a few minutes, I looked out the window to find the ground moved at a fraction of the imaginary speed. However, I do beleive it was a generally accurate recreation of my surroundings.

    When you deprive yourself of a sense, your other senses can ramp up their sensitivity to compensate. Or your brain has less bandwidth than all 5 can provide at once. Either way, your perception is not as rigid as it may seem. You can remember a lot about locations in a familiar place and faint cues can clue you in. It doesn’t mean it’s accurate, though