It’s a sort function. Check the app you’re using, where you would sort comments, there should be a bunch of options. Hot, active, New, old, etc., are all sort option.
It’s a sort function. Check the app you’re using, where you would sort comments, there should be a bunch of options. Hot, active, New, old, etc., are all sort option.
You underestimate how grossly unqualified everyone at the top is in the US. Anyone who’s even remotely qualified to lead the military is being replaced with sycophants. The US has never been weaker, which is exacerbated by the fact that any allies that could provide warnings of an attack, just won’t. Since our intelligence agencies have been neutering any early warning systems set in place, we will not see it coming, or worse, ignore it, because like the parable, an extremely incompetent group of leadership thinks it’s too big to fail, when in reality, wouldn’t take a huge enemy to win.
You have no clue what David v Goliath means, do you.
First thing you should do is find a young priest, and an old priest.
Yea, the second one started feeling very resident evil 4ish. Which is fine, if you’re playing resident evil.