I have tried freecad a number of times to replace solidworks as a critical piece of closed source software in hardware development toolchains. I have always struggled. Yesterday someone spent an hour with me at a makespace saying… “FreeCAD has a different way of doing this/try realthunder branch/use symmetry condition/delete all conditions that coincide” … it has been worth years of trying alone. When I started solidworks the reseller gave me a week of training - this is often why complex FOSS software gets a reputation for being clunky, because alone you will spend ages hunting a GUI button in a complex interface.
TLDR: Go outside, go to makespace or a FREECAD conference - meet other people who use open source software - its much easier to use/learn from others than alone.
One reason that the UK has few trash cans is because of the IRA, a
terrorist organization[edit: paramilitary organization] that would plant bombs in them. It is kind of a sore point when Americans notice stuff like this, because US citizens were significant donors to the IRA.N.B. There isn’t a reason why you should know this.
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1cxsvp/how_prevalent_was_american_funding_of_the_irish/