I looked it up and they seem to still have them in train stations plus in areas where trash/recyclables is expected to be generated (convenience stores, vending machines, parks) so it seems like a bit of a stretch (also the reason for less trash cans being a 1995 sarin gas attack).
Even just the train station bit seems like an unfair comparison for places without any sort of public transportation (where people walked/biked from home). Yeah, I can see people being more likely to hold their trash if passing receptacles is part of their planned route.
I’ve been doing that with juice too (also adding iced tea powder, other stuff like almond extract (cherry taste) for more/different flavor) but I can’t imagine watering down soda unless using something that’s also carbonated. Which I never really tried the other carbonation options due to cost (not really drinking soda often though, tapwater is free).
Well, I did try watering something down with club soda once but that was gross particularly because the carbonation was already gone.