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Wow, they must have literally JUST taken this over, because as of December, it was a still an out of date package and not official from the company. Awesome.
Don’t use that version. It’s not maintained by Bitwarden, and it’s wildly out of date
Good you get it for $1? This was a bad buy.
I’m gonna LOL the absolute fucking fuck out of this.
Try it. You have no understanding at a minimum of how it works not only at a hardware level, but at a virtualized level.
I’m absolutely sure you’re going to be the brilliant mind who fixes the problem though. See you next Tuesday!
Why even worry about that? Solve for things you need solved for. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing for their own reasons. You’ll drive yourself crazy.
These are tools, not a lifestyle. Don’t let anyone tell you any different.
I’m not sure you’re asking a question.
Software for what? Does this setup do what you need? Leave it alone if so.
Adorable? 🤣 How is that?
Models? The Flint 2 is pretty damn great. Really nice hardware selections, and a form factor most people expect. Out of the box capable of being a gateway for a large network without flinching. Wireguard performance is fantastic.
I would mostly agree with the others that you will have no issues booting, HOWEVER…that doesn’t mean you won’t run into some problems because we don’t know your system.
Here’s where you might run into problems:
Audio hardware: make sure whatever chipset you’re moving over to is fully supported with kernel drivers, and disable any audio customizations you may have made to pipewire or pulseaudio. You may run into input confusion, hardware level/volume problems, and mixing issues, so it’s best to revert to whatever defaults you may have on hand before booting.
Network: same thing as above, but also make sure you don’t have network settings tied to a specific PCI device in your configs.
Disable docker and VMs from systemd before first boot: if you have any stateful containers that might be thrown into disarray by bad boots (IF they happen), you may have to spend a lot of time cleaning up. Much safer to just let them not start until you’re satisfied that everything is ok, then just enable the services again.
Remove any Nvidia settings tied to a specific device or display. This is probably going to be the most common thing people run into. Wiping and reinstalling the Nvidia stack should fix it though if you run into issues.
All of that said, the first thing you can do to suss out IF you may have any issues with your hardware is boot a liveusb on your new build first and making sure everything works. If it does, great. If it doesn’t, you know what to expect. If then booting your old drives shows problems, you’ve also already proven that shouldn’t be the case because a liveusb worked fine, and you know where to start attacking problems.
Good luck!
GL.Inet for an OpenWRT hardware set. I recommend them all the time.
There’s a huge list of reasons why this is not going to work, or not work well.
I’ll stick to the biggest issue though, which is that OpenWRT expects exclusive control over the wireless chipset, and you’re trying to run it through a VM on whoknowswhat hypervisor settings. Even if nothing else on the host machine uses the Wi-Fi adapter, OpenWRT has specific builds and kernel patches for specific drivers and specific hardware combinations. If it doesn’t see exactly what it’s expecting, it’s not going to work.
Now…even if you DID manage to get it to seemingly work, it will constantly crash or panic if you engage the wireless chipset on a hypervisor because it’s going to throw some disallowed instruction expecting exclusive control and access to the hardware.
I know this, because this is how it works, they say so in their own docs, and you can see people say the same thing over and over again this exact same thing. It’s not going to be a good time.
If you want to just use software portions for network services or whatever, that shouldn’t cause issues, but again, doing it through a VM is like dressing a Yugo up as a Ferrari and expecting the same performance.
Honestly, I’d be looking at doing this in any other language that has a Markdown library to parse these. You’re doing this on “hard mode” with sed. There are probably already a ton of Python tools out there that do this.
Have a look at this. Seems it could do the job:
The point of a mail server is that many clients can connect to it and get what they need. What I’m reading here is that you want to disregard the ability to already do that in favor of having all your mail funneled through a self-hosted ‘something’ that just sends push notifications to your mobile…but then you’d still have to have your mobile mail client go and download all this mail you said is a battery drain, so you’re sort of negating yourself.
Now…the real crux of the problem you’re describing is simply that your mobile mail client is not very efficient, so why wouldn’t you just solve for that instead? Create a better workflow for your mail so your client doesn’t need to IMAP crawl EVERYTHING, or reduce the frequency it syncs maybe.
If that’s still not enough, depending on your mail host (which you didn’t mention), there are ways to simply subscribe to push notifications from their service more than likely if that’s all you want.
If cleaner is all you want, and you don’t specifically care about the tool, maybe look at pyp
It works with long commands as well. Thinking in awk though, I would only use it after a statement is complete. You wouldn’t be able to split up expressions like this, but if you’re just talking about making it more readable, it should work.
Backslash works for long commands as well, but it’s not going to split up an expression or string properly.
apt install package1 \ package2 \ package3
Won’t work:
apt install pack\ age1 package2 pack\ age3
You can get cleaner code by substituting content blocks as variables, or piping EOF in and out at various places as other options.
It a line continuation like so:
printf "This is going to be a really \ long line that I want to break \ into different segments"
I’m seeing references that this is supposed to work elsewhere as well.
If you’re talking specifically about bash-compliant shells, just use a backslash.
Okay, so now you need to get the kernel versions, and start looking up the “why”. Is this a problem with the specific kernel build you got upgraded to, or was there a config change that messed something up?
If you know the current version works, there’s nothing super wrong with staying on it for awhile to avoid the issue, but it’s probably best to identify the cause so you don’t live in fear of future upgrades.
What are the two version numbers you have now, and which one works?
I’d use anything else that is based on rsync over Syncthing