What do you mean by “screwed”? I think the question needs to be more clearly defined before I can give an answer.
A lot of damage is going to be done. Things are going to get much worse before they get better. Some people are going to get killed.
But I don’t think this is the literal apocalypse. Life will continue. It’s going to be hard to rebuild and will take a long time, but we will rebuild as much as we can.
Because there’s a lot of shit to complain about, and it feels like things are getting steadily worse. Especially today when I’m watching the rise of fascism in real time, when I’m watching friends and family be persecuted by a push to make bigotry into law, and when it all feels like there’s nothing I can do about any of this because I’m just some guy.
Yes, I know that children are starving in Africa. No, pointing that out does not make me feel better.