What is your carrier? We don’t have unlimited data here, I pay 9 USD per 6 months for total 50 GB, no calls, no SMS.
What is your carrier? We don’t have unlimited data here, I pay 9 USD per 6 months for total 50 GB, no calls, no SMS.
Ubo prevents ad resources from being loaded, not loading / rendering ads at all makes a major difference in battery and bandwidth usage in my experience. Most notably bandwidth usage drops by %90 in most extreme cases.
I think I am one of the very few people who objects the correlation between streaming services DRM and data collection Louis talks about in his video where he tries to stream Netflix from a Linux box and gets 720p. “Piracy is absolutely justified” or sth like that was the title of the video.
First router has DHCP enabled with range to Second one has “DHCP Relay” enabled with relay server set to Third router has DHCP disabled.
Is the phone carrier locked? Can you install a carrier neutral stock ROM?