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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Ok, final message because I’m tired of this:

    • you are openly admitting that you are going to piss on the well by adding a bot that pretends to be a human.
    • you are openly admitting that you are going to do this without providing any form of mitigation.
    • you are going to do this while pushing data to the whole network. No prior testing in a test instance, not even using your own instance for it.
    • you think that is fine to leave the onus of “detecting” the bot to the others.

    You are a complete idiot.

  • To implement counter AI measures, best way to counter AI is to implement it.

    You are jumping into this conclusion with no real indication that it’s actually true. The best we get for any type of arms race is a forced stalemate due to Mutually Assured Destruction. With AI/“Counter” AI, you are bringing a medicine that is worse than the disease.

    Feel free to go ahead, though. The more polluted you make this environment, the more people will realize that it is not sustainable unless we started charging from everyone and/or adopt a very strict Web of Trust.

  • What I am failing to understand is: why?

    Is this just for some petty motivation, like “proving” that people can not easily detect the difference between text from an LLM vs text an actual person? If that is the case, can’t you just spare all this work and look at all the extensive studies that measure exactly this?

    Or perhaps it is something more practical, and you’ve already built something that you think is useful and it would require lots of LLM bots to work?

    Or is it that you fancy yourself too smart for the rest of us, and you will feel superior by having something that can show us for fools for thinking we can discern LLMs from “organic” content?

  • Newsie.social has (had) 20k active users, mostly professional journalists. It has been threatening to shut down due to lack of funding for two years already. Every month their admin needs to beg around for people to donate.

    Fosstodon started with enough donations that they could even send some of their money to upstream projects. Nowadays they are invite-only because they don’t get enough funding to sustain infinite growth.

    Moth.social was active while they were sponsored by Mozilla, they are shutting down in March 12th due to lack of funding.

    I could go on.

    There’s no “shortage of instances” going around. As more people join the Fediverse, more admins will start instances.

    This is just wishful thinking. Go ahead and open an instance with open registration, see how long it will take for you to regret it.

    the vast majority of instance-owners are bored, twiddling their thumbs due to their lack of users.

    And there is a huge number of admins that got users and then burned out due to harassment, spam, entitled users asking for/against federation due to petty drama…

  • I am not angry so I’m not sure what I’ve said that deserved that patronizing aside.

    If you are not angry, you are certainly reading as someone who is facing an amygdala hijack. Your responses do not seem as someone who is collected and you do not seem willing to listen to what others are trying to express.

    Case in point:

    farmers and Walmarts have some features they share (…) Are you saying they don’t? That they are completely different top to bottom?

    You are right, we are talking only about the features they share (i.e, profit-seeking) and whether this means that they should be treated equally. I didn’t say they were completely different. But do they have to?

    Let me try again: you are asserting that a small-scale farmer who works out on their own volition and makes a living by selling their produce at a higher price that it cost them (i.e, seeking profit) is a net-negative to society and as unethical as a huge corporation like Walmart. You are saying “the scale doesn’t matter, any one working looking for profit is bad”. Is this correct or am I misrepresenting you?

  • I’m saying scale is irrelevant because profit motive corrupts other values

    And OP and I are saying that this generalization is shortsighted. You end up putting on the same bag:

    • Small farmers and Walmart
    • A local restaurant owner and Darden
    • Independent commercial software providers and Facebook.

    By treating them as equal because “both of them are seeking profit”, you are left with an economic system that is unable to grow to match the demands of the people.

    Make an actual point.

    I did, many times. It’s just that you don’t want to hear it.

    The point is “Community is not enough” (I did link to the blog post, didn’t I?) and I’ve been saying since 2022 that the Fediverse will not be able to grow until is dominated by this belief “that every profit-seeking business is bad and therefore should be rejected”.

    You can be mad at me all you want, you can be upset at this sad reality all you want, you can cry in a pillow all you need, but you can not say that the Fediverse has been a success story. We’ve had so many opportunities handed out to us to take this place and grow to become a viable alternative for everyone but we squander it every time because the loud minority of ideologues keep screaming “no businesses here!”.