There a big difference in seeking something out and someone walking up to you and talking at you.
There a big difference in seeking something out and someone walking up to you and talking at you.
It’s less about valuing communication and more about the dopamine hit. Delivering that lecture and educating the simpletons feels really good.
Do you want people to care or do you want to lecture people who don’t agree with you. People like to give lectures on politics, but no one listens to them. If you want people to care you have to care about them.
Live chat is more plug and play than ever, but it’s still hard to compete with messenger being free and requires no ongoing support from your end.
This is a result of a very real doctors shortage that has been getting worse for years. There’s perverse incentives for doctors to also not choose to be a general practitioner. It’s lower paying and exposure to the same level of malpractice risk.
Yeah you shouldn’t have knees that close to the dash, unless you are 7ft and the seat can’t go back further.
You unstop a drain to make it go again. You unstop texts to make them go again. Seems fine to me.
The USSR wasn’t integrated, it was centralized. Shortages weren’t shared to reduce impact, resources where distributed by political connection first and need second. Movement was highly controlled.
States leaving isn’t realistic. They are way more integrated than the EU has ever dreamed of being. Brexit was messy with a mostly independent UK, something like California leaving would take decades of negotiations to replace existing interstate compacts with treaties.
Being fired for any or no reason is at will employment.
Right to work has nothing to do with that. It’s about allowing people to not pay union dues. Those people are still protected by the union contract.
Lemmy is my cocaine.