Still a bit too upscale, though. I was thinking, top to bottom:
- semi-transparent green sun visor
- really work on that mustache; if it’s too full, thin it out until it’s scraggly and wispy
- the Marlboro logo idea is great, but I think here you have to sacrifice to advertise that you’re “The Father of the Bride,” complete with printed bow-tie at the neck
- Cargo shorts
- Calf socks
- Sandals, but not Birkenstock! Make sure it’s a cheap brand
- Don’t forget a profusion of temporary tattoos on your calfs and arms! Extra points if they look poorly done and faded.
- you can get black teeth caps that make it look like you’re missing teeth. Don’t skimp on accessories!
And, most importantly: a fanny pack.
I’ll admit, it’s mixing metaphors a bit, but at this point you’re shooting for more than just looking poor; you’re aiming beyond sheer embarrassment. You need to attain complete mortification.
If you can boot from USB, I’d look at Ventoy, which will let you put multiple distro ISOs on a single USB stick and then pick one of them to boot from when you boot up. I linked to a tutorial rather than the project page for a quick review.
It could be that OpenSUSE is contributing to your boot issues, and that one of the other distros may have a kernel and configuration that plays more nicely; Ventoy will help you determine this. It’ll also let you play with several distros without having to install all of them, and see if you like one more than another.
If your boot problem is hardware related - either an issue with the hardware itself, or just Linux compatability, then you should stay away from rolling release distros like Arch; while you can configure them to minimize reboots, they’re managed in such a way as to expect people to upgrade frequently, including the kernel, which requires reboots. For example, I run Arch and I love it, but I also tend to not upgrade it very often and the longer between upgrades, the greater the chance of something going wrong during an update. It’s absolutely the least dependency-hellish distro I’ve used if you update frequently, but something like Debian is better if you’re looking for long uptimes.
TL;DR: use Ventoy and try several distros. If you find that your boot problems persist through several distros, ignore rolling-release distros like Arch, Alpine, and Void, and focus on Debian-derived distros like Debian, Ubuntu, or Mint. Or you can try a Redhat derivative, but I hate RPM with the fire of a thousand suns so I’d recommend that last - still, some obviously insane people like it, and it’s an option.