Hey community! Do you use any database or anything to manage your environments? I started a relational Notion database a while back but never dug in. Objects types for things like hardware, software, deployments, technologies, and tie-ins to my other LifeOs databases. (e.g., the inkbird aquarium thermostat in Smart Life/Tuya via Home Assistant is linked to my aquarium database as a gear object.)

I’m rebuilding half my lab right now and thought it might be worth seeing if there’s a better method before returning to my half-assed system.

(I pay for Notion - I also failed at making my super complex Obsidian implementation work across my devices and platforms. I’m in the market for a replacement for that whole universe, so if this thread turns into a moratorium on Notion, I get it. Still, I’m open to discussion, so snark is unnecessary.)

  • ShimitarA
    12 hours ago

    My pet project.

    Mostly to remember what I did and why. But also help others, and offer a different view on the self host approach (Gentoo, no systemd, podman rootless… ).

    And to have fun, mostly.