Since some Lemmy users have asked me via DM and also searched my other socials to ask me about my old bypass I thought I’d share my new one with Lemmy too.

I also uploaded the source in case anyone wants to look at it (or even extend it, who knows).

Sorry for the extraordinary wait.

Have fun guys :)

Edit: I should have known Lemmy wouldn’t like a semi private forum, even though it’s all about things like this there. Here is the already build + Source Code for anyone to download anonymously if they prefer it that way.

To use it just extract the somewhere and then start steam like this:

LD_AUDIT="/full/path/to/" steam

Building is easy too, just run the included


  • Gnanf: Helping me test the Family Sharing bypass
  • rdbo: For his great libmem library, which saved me a lot of development and learning time
  • oleavr and all the other awesome people working on Frida for easy instrumentation which helps a lot in analyzing, testing and debugging
  • All the folks working on Ghidra, this was my first project using it and I’m in love with it!

Edit2: Uploaded update with more hooks because I just noticed family sharig still killed some games

  • Draconic
    4 hours ago

    I really wish us as a community would stop blaming other pirates for the bad or evil decisions of companies, that applies to exploitative decisions like limitation of abilites via fake DRM (by the way, you can bypass SteamWorks DRM very VERY Easily) or when it comes to copyright trolling and takedown requests.

    The truth is they would rather us blame and ultimately shoot at each other because, well I think others have said it best: “United we’re strong, divided we’re weak” and blaming other people for takedown requests or bad decisions from companies is exactly the kind of division they want, that benefits them. Because when we’re divided or don’t see them as the enemy, it’s easier to pick us off and there will be no retaliation against them.

    Get out of that mindset of going against other pirates, it is the corporations who screw things up, they do it of their own accord. Blaming pirates is an excuse because they’re bored and want to make more money, otherwise why would they be adding ads to paid plans? Why would they be trying to sell games multiple times in a row. They don’t actually care if people are nice to them, they probably see capitulating as weakness. We’re suckers for playing along with the game in the first place, that’s how they see it.