Honestly, I will never wrap my head around how people can happily bring infants on any flight where you can expect people to try and sleep, it’s incredibly lucky if they don’t spend some of it screaming their heads off—I would be mortified if my choices were preventing hundreds of people from sleeping. But I’m not going to rant too hard about that.
Why on earth hasn’t any airline started marketing adult-only flights?
It seems like a complete no brainer to me, I would choose it every time and pay extra for it.
Disclaimer: I may or may not be on a 36h day with only an hour of sleep right now
I thought that said fights at first and I started wondering where the adult vs children fights were happening.
I truly do not understand why people don’t simply wait until the kid is old enough to handle frying before travelling with an airplane. My family travelled a lot by train, or sometimes car, then when I was around 7 or 8 years old we took a short flight.
Babies really won’t remember anything of the trip anyway, I really feel that travelling by plane is one of the things that you sacrifice for the first years of having a child. Call me entitled or whatever, but your childs screaming or running around on the plane is absolutely annoying to others.
Generally, you avoid frying your offspring.
But WRT the OPs concerns of flying; People move, get jobs in other cities and countries, have kids, want to visit families, grandparents get sick, etc.
There’s a whole range of reasons why. Going “whelp, you had kids, sorry we’re going to ostracise you from society until your crotchspawn can keep quiet” isn’t exactly an inclusive attitude.
Parents are mortified when their kids are screaming on a flight. They didn’t want this either.
A good pair of earplugs (e.g. loop) can help tremendously.
Well kinda said I wasn’t looking to rant about this part, but okay:
When the child is two seats over, my loops are not helping. When another child is running up and down the aisle every 20 mins, ear plugs aren’t the solution either.
I simply would not choose a flight where the majority of people would be trying to sleep if I were a parent. I would not want to put myself in a situation where it could even happen, no one wants to be mortified and on a long flight it approaches certainty.
A screaming child on a 4h middle-of-the-day flight is annoying but bearable. Screaming children on a double-digit hour overnight flight ruins many people’s days.
It is a good thing you were never a kid annoying everyone around you. That would be embarrassing for you.
Alot of people were spanked for ANY public outburst. So yeah theres a good chance they never been THAT child.