If by poor representation you mean misrepresentation then Islam hands down. If you meant lack of representation then I’d say zoroastrianism and celtic paganism. There are plenty others I’d love to see but I picked what I did because we know enough about them with enough certainty on details that we could accurately represent them if we tried. I’d also love to see Bedouin paganism and Mayan mythology accurately represented in popular media but this is much more difficult to accomplish.
If by poor representation you mean misrepresentation then Islam hands down. If you meant lack of representation then I’d say zoroastrianism and celtic paganism. There are plenty others I’d love to see but I picked what I did because we know enough about them with enough certainty on details that we could accurately represent them if we tried. I’d also love to see Bedouin paganism and Mayan mythology accurately represented in popular media but this is much more difficult to accomplish.