I invite you to imagine a JAG lawyer briefing the superior that such an order will allow a state or local prosecutor to indict them on criminal charges.
I invite you to imagine a JAG lawyer briefing the superior that such an order will allow a state or local prosecutor to indict them on criminal charges.
That is not true. They are tried in military courts when they are charged with violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
When they are tried for state crimes, they are charged in state court; municipal offenses, municipal court. Federal offenses (other than the UCMJ), federal court.
If they break the laws of your state, they can be charged and convicted in your state.
The crime would be kidnapping, and it could be charged under the laws of any state they pass through on the way to Cuba.
Law enforcement is permitted to transport prisoners within the custody of the justice department, but the military has no state-level authority to do the same. Military members can be charged with state crimes if they do this.
Not him. He’s immune, either as a matter of law, or because we are collectively too chickenshit to tell him no.
But I’m talking about the officers carrying out his unlawful orders.
“Just following orders” is not an excuse nor a pardon: military members can be criminally convicted for following an unlawful order. They just need to know what kind of order is illegal for them to follow.
Trump’s power to pardon extends only to federal prosecution. Not state.
One final reminder to every military officer: The statute of limitations on these crimes extends well beyond Trump’s term. They can be prosecuted under the next president.
Every member of the military needs to be reminded that they are obligated to disobey illegal orders. They can be criminally charged for obeying an unlawful order.
Every member of the military needs to be reminded that the Posse Comitatus act prohibits the military from engaging in domestic law enforcement activities.
And every member of the military needs to be reminded that immigration is a law enforcement issue, not a military issue.
But problem is, all my email address would be @mydomainname.com instead of @protonmail which millions of people use.
<anyname>@uniquename.com is, roughly, the privacy equivalent of uniquename@protonmail.com. You don’t gain any significant amount of privacy by being a uniquely-identifiable part of a large mob than in registering yourself as a small, uniquely-identified mob.
You would have a point if they had said "to unstop texts from this number, reply with “start”.
But they didn’t.
They quoted the word and explicitly defined the meaning they assigned to it. There is no ambiguity.
They quoted the term and defined their meaning in context. They could have used any arbitrary codeword.
Just because “unstop” is most commonly used with regard to plumbing does not mean that the term is exclusive to plumbing.
“Criminals they forced into the United States” = “Invasion”
“Repatriation” != “Deportation”
Repatriation is what happens when you return a POW to their country of origin. Deportation is when you return a criminal to their country of origin.
POWs are not entitled to access to the criminal justice system. They can be held indefinitely without charges, or returned to their country of origin, without judicial oversight. Since deportation is a judicial process, POWs are not subject to deportation.
POWs are not “subject to the jurisdiction” of US law; Trump is arguing that the children of “invader-immigrants” can’t be citizens.
The internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.
–Gilmore Conjecture