You don’t have to “sign up”. You can just scroll down a bit to the “Find A Protest Now” button, or click the direct link I provided above.
ETA, you don’t even need a clever sign to hold up. Just being present is good enough.
We had one here in my small suburb town a couple of days ago. I was surprised, and pleased to see it. There were only about 50 people, but there was 50 people.
Lmao, there likely isn’t a Tesla dealership within 5 hrs of me.
You can check at the site
There’s lots of malls with show rooms. Maybe you can burn the mall down for supporting them?
Our mall is in the process of being torn down lol
I highly recommend not visiting this website, but if you absolutely should please use Tor. The log collection policy of this website is unknown and god forbid somehow the logs are obtained it could be used against you.
Everyone should always be using Tor for any activism.
This is good advice. Thoth here’s a thought. Most people around here know about tor and VPNs and http proxies and whatever else. And even without that probably in general leave a more anonymous footprint on the web. I’m betting there are millions of “normies” visiting that site from their phones following FB or X (lol) or IG or TikTok links. (Which would be the same phones they will have on them when they attend one of these protests. ) But I’m betting there’s millions of visitors. Trump can’t even deport millions of people, much as he’d like to claim. If they start arresting millions for visiting a website (not that they’d have anywhere to put them) that would certainly have people rioting in the streets.
And then the paramilitary rounds up the rioters and they get locked in concentration camps too.
YSK - You can find a Tesla protest near you by making a sign and looking for the closest Tesla Service Center/Dealer…
What do they do?
Who is buying the Teslas that people are supposed to sell?
People who don’t mind being lumped in with Nazis. Teslas might be sold by owners at a loss, but besides the CyberStuck the other models sell used.
For example where I live in Canada the district has never voted anything but conservative for decades. Nobody is harassing Tesla owners here, different story if they drive 25 kilometers down the highway into the city.
I’ve kind of debated buying one just because it possibly can be a great deal on an electric car. Slap a few “I hate Elon” magnets on there and hopefully no one torches it lol.
They lose 1/2 value in 2 years. Used models 3s go for 15-25k with around 30k miles on them.
Dont buy new, buy used at least.
Yeah I meant used. Cause people are offloading them for peanuts.
Also the bodies are aluminum (except the cybercuck) so your gonna want to invest in stickers or vinyl wrap, rather than magnets.
If you can avoid 1st party Tesla service centers (not user friendly or pro right to repair like an Apple product and attitude) and deal with the “I’m not a nazi, just frugal” stickers, it could be worth any perceived risk.
I get the other view, that it’s quite wasteful to just destroy them. Not that it would’ve happened anyways. That wouldn’t be realistic, just progressive fantasies.
I want the drivetrain and batteries form them to convert classic cars and make home battery walls.
This website claims for they will.
That’s great, the customer service image got a good chuckle too.
True Nazis and EVs don’t really pair together
People who don’t care about it and just want a good price, probably.
Still, a sale that does not go towards the Billionaire.
They also need jail breaks to allow all features and stop paying subscriptions to the ratfuck
No one. Which is why we shouldn’t bother existing Tesla owners.
But they should still put their cars up for sale. Flood the market.
I wonder how many people are shorting Tesla 🤔
I thought about buying options on TSLA when Musk become president and really regret not doing so.
Look at the stock today, its in free fall. Never too late to have a crack!
It’s never too late:
You don’t need to buy options. Someone did all that and made an ETF out of it for you.
Open map
One event in Finland
Sunny Car Center
I love that email address. Penis. Heh heh.
Sick! There is one less than 10 minutes away from me on Saturday!!! Im happy about this.
None in Germany :(
Does my diesel pickup truck count as protest against Tesla?
No, just a protest against saving money.
People don’t seem to understand. It’s not a protest against electric cars. It’s a protest against the oligarchy.
Don’t forget. Hitler loved Henry Ford.
definitely. We go after Tesla because of what it’s billionaire owner stands for.
I don’t feel like that’s the case. The cheapest used pickup available right now costs 3x as much as I paid for mine. The price difference pays my fuel for 10 years.
TBH Teslas have always been status symbols for the uber wealthy.
If they were a true “people’s car,” they’d be plug in hybrids with a tiny gas generator… and like half the price, with less emissions from production.
What I like most about electric cars is that there’s so much less moving parts that break and need to be replaced. With a hybrid this isn’t really the case. I wouldn’t mind getting an electric pickup but they’re just way out of my price range and I don’t quite feel like getting one that’s all new and shiny because I use mine for work and it’ll eventually get all banged up anyway. Also, really difficult to find one with just two seats and a long bed.
Hybrids can be simple too.
The problem with EVs is that the battery is massive, expensive, and suffers from the the tyranny of the rocket equation: The more battery you have, the more battery you need to haul that battery around, and so on.
Hence, pure EVs are extremely heavy and expensive.
Stick in a self contained generator, just a few horsepower like a backup generator you’d find at Lowe’s, and it short circuits this equation. You can have a really small, lightweight battery on a lightweight frame because a four horsepower range extender weighs practically nothing, and is ridiculously fuel efficient from being so small and constant RPM.
That’s what a plug in hybrid is. All electric, with a backup generator in the boot and like 1000lb lighter.
This is very distinct from true hybrid ICE vehicles like the Prius, which is a frankly a stupid way to engineer it these days. The only reason they do is because it uses existing ICE manufacturing, as it’s mostly an ICE car with a transmission and everything.
And why doesn’t anyone make those? Well, in the US, they aren’t “premium” because they’re tainted by gas. If you have the manufacturing set up for EVs, mind as well make super expensive luxury cars that sell for higher margins. This is wha Tesla has always done.
This is not how all plug in hybrids work. This is a specific type of hybrid usually called in-series. The engine is not connected to the powertrain and it only supplies energy to the battery or motors
The biggest “issue” is that now you have a generator in your car making a constant noise that is not “attractive” or feels “luxurious” which unfortunately the people with money to adopt new technologies look for
Ram is releasing one soon
BYD and Nissan have similar technologies, but it is not widely adopted yet
deleted by creator
Take down tesla why exactly?
How exactly does that help?
Elongated Muskrat is currently sabotaging democracy. This is one of the few ways we can deliver consequences for his actions.
Isn’t boycotting Tesla illegal?
Edit: no one here keeps up with the news haha
You mean Tesler?
You’re very right. My bad. I got confused because everything was computer.
LOL, wut? Where on earth did you get that idea? It’ll be illegal if the fascists get their way and take over, but we’re not there yet. This is one way we can help to stop that from happening.
It’s something trump said.
Ah ha. Thanks. That definitely needed a /s in this context.
Haha so rather than check out what your president says you just flame whoever informs you. Thanks for this 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
There was nothing about your comment indicating it was something Trump said. He says a thousand dumbass things every day. Nobody can keep track of it all. You shouldn’t expect everyone to have had all the same experiences you’ve had. A comment like that really requires a /s to signal that you’re not being serious.
Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Erat dui sapien morbi, netus taciti mollis ultricies. Congue inceptos suscipit maecenas; neque neque egestas scelerisque penatibus ultrices? Maecenas fames elementum sagittis dignissim fringilla; feugiat cubilia? Vulputate dolor hac maximus platea pulvinar neque molestie. Sapien convallis praesent integer consequat; potenti eu massa mus suspendisse. Nunc vulputate magna conubia praesent id fusce.
It’s genuinely not my problem if you aren’t able to discern reality from sarcasm. Take personal responsibility for your own mistakes. Telling other people off because you made a mistake just makes you look silly. I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are.
I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are.
See, that doesn’t need a /s. Sometimes sarcasm is obvious in written form. Sometimes it’s not.
I would assume that changing the law is the course of action to prevent unauthorized access to critical systems.
You have a legalised form of corruption that has been crippling your justice systems for a while now that must be your primary concern.
You are thinking far to linearly. Think of this as a guerilla tactics to take advantage of media focus and what would happen if Musk crashed out.
I see some feelings were hurt from myself stating the obvious. Your whole governing system is rotten because the initial constitution is now 200 years old almost which renders it too broad to cover modern methods of corruption. You are still choosing between two thiefs to pick the lesser thief from the high table.
Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good enough.
Not all of us have the means to overthrow a government. We do have the means to make buying a Tesla as embarrassing and as difficult as possible.
If you want to help fund a government overthrow, I suggest that you work with the embassy for your country in the US to help make that change.
My own country is even more rotten than yours but I will not keep attacking the symptoms instead of fighting the virus!
I would be delusional otherwise!
Feel free to organize your own superior plan. I look forward to contributing to whatever effective measures you have in mind.
Clearly you have better ideas of what we can do. That’s awesome! Get out there and start organizing people to implement your superior plan! 💪
We obviously know it’s broken. The far right has control of every branch of the government, tell us how new laws are passed when there are no checks and balances?
And yes, before its stated, i know a lot of blame is on the left who didn’t codify shit when they had the chance, that’s the past, that doesn’t help us now.
Tesla is sort of a public-facing proxy for Musk’s wealth, and is becoming a lightning rod.
It’s not so much about practicality, but desperation and an opportunity to send a message.
Musk borrows against Tesla all the time. Billionaires don’t generally have a ton of liquid cash, they need to take out loans and put up collateral.
He’s also desperate now that Tesla is losing massive amount of its value too
Yup. If Tesla goes down, he won’t be able to take out loans as easily anymore and might need to sell assets for liquid cash.
Lets assume you managed to somehow bankrupt tesla. You effectively managed to stop one billionaire from using one of his many companies as a fast ATM. This does not solve the problem (billionaires affecting your governing system) in my perspective but merely mitigates a temporary symptom.
At the very least, it has to slightly annoy him. But likely also has a psychological effect. Will it make him suddenly decide not to be an asshole? Probably not. But it may spin him further out of control, to where he starts making even stupider decisions until he finally fucks with the wrong people or the wrong stuff and then really finds out.
Clearly you have better ideas of what we can do. That’s awesome! Get out there and start organizing people to implement your superior plan! 💪
I had a genuine question as to how that did actually fix the issue and all the replies are referring about tangentially mitigating a symotom.
You’re still not talking about your better idea. We’re all ears. Don’t hold back. What do you think we should do instead?
Step 1 : Make lobbying illegal. This you can achieve by form of petition to present the bill. Regular peaceful protests would put pressure on the approval body to pass it.
Step 2 : Introduce/Reintroduce and put power to referendums. Without a valid route to voice your vote it’s all in the wind. Methods to achieve the stand the same as before.
Step 3 : Choose your elected from your own and change your election system to a preferential one rather than a binary. This would be much easier once the first two are complete.
I am no billionaire nor a lawyer to present you any other assistance. I was not going to buy a tesla anyway because as an engineer they don’t make much logical sense to me.
Have I done this for my own country? Not yet. Why? Because my own are too busy listening to propaganda to see the glaring problems.
These are not things individuals can do this weekend. These all require the actions of the politicians that are owned by the billionaires that don’t want these changes. What are your great ideas that individual citizens can implement right now?
Ah yes! Get idea! Just completely change the system! Why didn’t WE think of that!
Good show! I’ll call everyone today and tell them that these protests are completely stupid and we have a better idea now
It’s better than doing nothing. It can reduce his influence as he won’t have as much wealth available to buy politicians.
Whats your plan? Sit and complain that people are desperate on Lemmy? How does that help?
I’ve already made my suggestions. I am not complaining either instead poiting out that this makes no significant difference in the grand scheme of things. I know because something similar has been trialed across Eastern Europe a while now with minescule results.
At best you’ll take one and two more will pop taking their place. I would really like to have a civilised discussion but so far most are triggered just because I raised a rhetorical question.
The problem is we are all choosing to do things with our time that aren’t perfectly efficient. These comments aren’t going to change anything, yet we’re still making them. Actions being perfect is not the goal. Actions that get people motivated is.
I wouldn’t usually go and tell you that you’re not doing anything useful by commenting, but since that’s what you’re doing I think it’s important. Either stop dismissing people taking these actions or recognize that you’re wasting your time too. Stop implying that they should stop. They’re doing far more than you or I are right now.
I did not at any point imply nor directly say they should give up. Instead I suggested a route that takes care of the root cause itself rather than dealing with one of the symptomps.
You are correct in saying that I am wasting my time sharing my perspective of a solution with someone who is not open to a different opinion. I plead guilty.
No, I meant you’re wasting your time posting on Lemmy in general. We aren’t going to accomplish anything posting on here. Just as we’re wasting our time, they may be also. They’re doing a lot more than we are.
His other companies aren’t valued as highly.
The only one that seems to make money is SpaceX, and that one isn’t public so we don’t actually know if it makes money or it’s as shitty as all his other companies.
Without Tesla he’ll have real trouble getting loans… or Trump will give him a bailout, obviously, but it would still be useful if more people saw that he’s not self-made and relies on free money from the government.
You really missed my point by a long shot didn’t you?
You’re awfully combative for someone “just asking a question”.
You’re right I might have carried some of the charge from the other user towards this one unfairly. Sometimes I should just allow people to live in their happy delusional solutions.
Frankly sooner or later they had this coming so here’s one more piece for them to downvote if it makes them feel better.
Maybe you missed mine.
Musk is the First Buddy and the “richest” man on Earth. Trump basically has him running the government with his doggy department.
If Tesla goes down, he might go down with it. Trump would drop him in an instant - “sorry honey, you’re no longer HOT!” That doesn’t abolish all billionaires, obviously, but it solves an acutely troublesome one.
Godspeed to you my friend!